Whether you want to see an overview or dive into the product, you’re in the right place. Use this library of interactive demos to explore Amper for different roles and use cases.
Optimize your workforce.
Identify bottlenecks and drive continuous improvement initiative with Amper.
Explore how Amper helps your operations team win the day.
Streamline your changeovers with Changeover Prep. Regain wasted capacity and dollars.
Secure resources for your initiatives.
Meet your production goals with confidence with Amper's job tracking.
Make the right decisions fast.
Know when your jobs are at risk and hit your targets.
Set and maintain accurate standards and stop leaving money on the table.
Schedule and simulate production plans.
Spot issues right away and make proactive adjustments.
Increase capacity with your existing resources.
Measure labor impact, performance, and productivity with Amper's workforce analytics.