improve productivity with the fewest resources

pinpoint issues and simulate project results

Amper makes it effortless to seeing how much your production issues are costing you and where you should make improvements.

Identify all your bottlenecks and inefficiencies and improve what’s actually holding you back.

outperform competitors (and yourself)

justify projects and purchases

Reveal machine and workforce inefficiencies to prioritize the right improvement projects.

maintain accurate standards

Know when your standards are off and how much they deviate from targets.

tap into unused capacity

Identify underutilized machines, training opportunities, and routing improvements.

easy-to-use tools that make an impact

find and fix your biggest downtime drivers

Pinpoint what’s causing your biggest operational headaches so you can start focusing on the things that really matter.

Whether you’re looking at downtime by reason, shift, machine, operator, or something else, you can slice and dice data any way you want for tailored analyses and custom reports.

quantify your issues and justify projects

See your costs and potential saving opportunities in just a few clicks.

With actual dollar values, labor rate input, and automated reports, you can easily justify CI projects and calculate how much you’ll save with them.

Get round-the-clock project support

Learn how to get the most out of Amper with our in-app CI Engineer bot.

Ask it questions, get advice, and even download CI project plans tailored to your plant.

start running your operations on reality