track 100% of your plant in a single place

you can’t make good decisions with partial coverage

If you don’t have 100% of your plant floor connected, you don’t have enough accurate data for high-impact decisions.

Amper connects, collects, and contextualizes critical operational data and puts it all in one place for you to review and use.

connect every asset in no time


Check real-time machine performance like utilization and OEE at a glance. Since the data comes directly from the machines, you know you're making reality-based decisions.


Use insights into operator productivity to understand labor efficiency, make the right hiring decisions, and optimize workforce management.


See current and upcoming job statuses, completion date forecasts, changeover checklists, and more to make proactive adjustments and meet every OTD target.


Pull data automatically from existing systems (like your ERP) with seamless integrations that bring everything together. Now you can finally run your entire plant on a single platform.

pull data with the most flexible connections

Amper uniquely consolidates data from every asset, team, and process.

A broad suite of IoT solutions enables 100% connection and flexibility without feeling overwhelming. This includes PLC integrations, non-invasive IoT, and other options.

Clips onto the machine’s power supply to turn signals into data for real-time production insights.
Determines utilization through digital control signals. It can also be used to for automated cycle counts.
Collects even more machine data directly from newer machines' PLCs with easy integration options.

Add context with the operator interface

Copilot is Amper's operator interface. With built-in tools and predictive insights, it's effortless for operators to enrich data around downtime, scrap, and setups.


Connect to your ERP or other systems for wider visibility and automation.

start running your operations on reality