
Amper Introduces Manufacturing Is Sexy

Chicago, IL. April 27, 2023 —  The launch of Manufacturing Is SexyTM by Amper begins a new movement that aims to change the narrative about manufacturing through education and celebration. What started as a fun post on MFG Day last year and has since gained traction and grown into something bigger.

77.8% of manufacturers believe that younger generations' lack of interest in the industry is a significant contributor to the shortage of skilled labor (Amper Customer Survey 2023). This lack of interest is primarily rooted in common misconceptions. 

Whether it’s seen as dirty, unsafe, or non-challenging, the imagery many associate with it is generally unglamorous and undesirable. This misconception is not only outdated and far from the truth, but it also harms the futures of the industry and of the young people entering the workforce. 

Not treating manufacturing like the advanced, lucrative, and growth-propelling industry that it is can close incredible doors for incredible people. It can stymie innovation, slow supply chains, and can increase costs.

Manufacturing Is Sexy is not just a celebration of the industry but a call to action to spread the word and encourage younger generations to consider a career in manufacturing. The movement aims to change the perception of manufacturing by highlighting its opportunities in a high-tech, well-paying industry full of opportunities. 

"We celebrate everyone from the smooth operators to the lean machines to the podcasters and beyond," says an Amper rep and one of the driving forces behind the Manufacturing Is Sexy movement.

Join us in a celebration of this vital industry.

Learn more about Manufacturing Is Sexy and visit to join the movement.

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